
What Are The Symptoms Of TMD?

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What Are The Symptoms Of TMD?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a common condition that causes jaw pain, headaches, and other symptoms. It affects the joints that sit just in front of your ears and are responsible for many everyday actions like chewing and talking. People with TMD experience pain when they try to open their mouth wide or chew. The pain usually goes away on its own. However, TMD does have the potential to get worse over time.

Jaw Pain

The temporomandibular joint disorder occurs when your jaw is misaligned, which puts pressure on your jaw joints and muscles. If you think you may have a temporomandibular joint disorder, call us as soon as possible to set up an appointment. We may recommend a custom night guard to help treat your symptoms and prevent further damage.

Before we can create a custom night guard for you, the dentist will need to assess the state of your teeth and jaw joints. 

Locking of the Jaw

Jaw locking also referred to as temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that occurs when the lower jaw does not close properly or as it should. The condition is often associated with pain in and around the jaw area. When the teeth lock, it can be painful to eat and speak. Some patients also experience a clicking or popping sound when the mouth opens and closes completely.

If you suffer from jaw locking, it is important to visit your dentist to determine the cause and how to best treat the problem. In some cases, a minor adjustment to the bite can alleviate the issue. In other cases, treatment may involve wearing an oral appliance that is custom-made to fit your mouth. The oral appliance will slowly move your jaw back into its proper position over time.

Impaired Jaw Movement

The temporomandibular joint disorder is caused by problems with your temporomandibular joints, which are the joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. If you have this disorder, you might not be able to open and close your mouth normally or chew your food properly. Your pain could be caused by one or a combination of these factors:

  • Misalignment of the joints in the muscles of your jaw and face.
  • Inflammation of one or both of the joints in your jaw.
  • Grinding your teeth while you sleep or during the day. This can lead to excessive wear on the teeth surfaces and misalignment of the bite.
  • Stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension around your face and jaw, which leads to pain. Some believe that stress can also contribute to the development of TMJ disorder.

If these symptoms sound familiar to you, you should make an appointment with us for an evaluation. We can create a customized treatment plan for you that may include a combination of treatment types like oral appliance therapy, physical therapy, or other treatments to help relieve your pain.

Trouble Chewing or Biting Down

When your muscles are too tight, or your joint is out of alignment, everyday activities like eating and talking can become painful. 

The symptoms of TMD can differ by patient, so some patients may experience some but not all of the symptoms listed above. If you suffer from any of the symptoms above and have been unable to find a solution, contact our dentist for the right dental treatment.

For a comfortable dental experience, please reach out to our dental practice in Manteca, CA, to have a consultation with our family dentist. Please call us at (209) 823-9218 or schedule an online consultation, and we'll guide you further.